Taxation Planning

The overseeing and preparation of your tax return lets us optimize and uncover potential financial planning strategies such as:

  • Maximizing RRSP limit
  • Which spouse’s RRSP limit to prioritize
  • Capital gains tax deferral
  • Tax-Efficient Investments
  • Pension and RRIF income splitting
  • CPP splitting
  • Minimizing net business and/or rental income
  • Homebuyer’s Plan Repayment
  • Tuition Transfer
  • Various other credits and deductions aimed at eliminating or deferring taxes.

Smof Investment Manager, LLC offers discounted in-house tax preparation services for our investment clients. We have a lot of experience in preparing personal tax returns and we make sure to utilize every deduction and credit available to each household. Because we manage your investments, we have access to and can help you gather your tax slips and receipts.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Smof Investment Manager, LLC.