The Smof Investment Blog

Weekly Market Update

April 18, 2020
Anthony's Update
Tony Jin

Federal Aid Programs CERB: Self-employed workers who make up to $1,000 a month are now eligible to apply for the CERB.   Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA): The CEBA has been expanded to businesses that paid between $20,000 and $1.5 million in total payroll in 2019. This new range will replace the previous one… Read More

Update on Tax Season

March 21, 2020
Anthony's Update
Tony Jin

This week, the CRA officially moved the tax filing deadline for individuals from April 30 to June 1.  The deadline for self-employed workers has not changed and remains June 15. For both individuals and self-employed workers who have a balance owing after filing their return, the payment deadline has been moved from April 30 to… Read More

We understand the need for reduced travel because of the COVID-19 situation.  As you prepare for delivery of your tax documents to our office, we wish to remind you of the following electronic alternatives: You can e-mail your documents to You can upload your documents securely (instructions below) to the Fundex Wealthview portal (… Read More

“History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes” – Unknown In February 2018, we sent out our weekly brief after a week where the DOW experienced two 1000-point drops (the first ever time the DOW had fallen over 1000 points). Two years later, we find ourselves in a similar situation. Before reading about this week’s events, I… Read More