The Smof Investment Blog

As of August 17th, Joe Biden led national polls by 7% on average, and importantly, was ahead in most battleground states. Biden’s large lead strongly indicates the Democrats will maintain a majority in the House of Representatives, but his lead is large enough that it gives Democrats legitimate hope of also winning a Senate majority…. Read More

There continue to be many important updates regarding financial aid and CRA tax deferrals. Below is a quick summary of the recent news: Tax payment deadline: Two weeks ago, the payment deadline was re-extended by one month from September 1st to September 30th for those who either have a balance owing on their 2019 tax return,… Read More

Wealthview Secure Portal Improvements

September 6, 2019

Beginning this fall, a major Wealthview update will take place that will build upon the original foundation in very helpful, user-friendly ways. Here are some of the highlights: Better Family Linking Options– you will now be able to consolidate all family assets, by linking clients, including corporate investments, joint client profiles, even other family members… Read More