Miles Zyblock, Chief Invesment Strategist with Dynamic Funds, released an interesting article this week. The summary is that the U.S. and Japan were entrenched in their own trade war during the 80s, which took 12 years to settle. Despite the trade tensions, it was a pretty good decade for markets. In other words, capital markets… Read More
The Smof Investment Blog
Following last week’s provincial budget release, yesterday Finance Minister Bill Morneau delivered his 2018 Federal Budget. The key item was additional clarity on the taxation of passive income in a corporation. This is in addition to previously-announced measures for corporations such as the elimination (in some cases) of income sprinkling. The budget did not deliver… Read More
2018 BC PROVINCIAL BUDGET ANNOUNCED Finance Minister Carole James announced the BC NDP Government’s budget yesterday and delivered on a wide variety of promises from its election platform. The key initiatives were centered around housing speculation. The provincial government released a 30-point plan addressing housing affordability in the province. Highlights from the plan include: •… Read More
As we enter 2018, we would like to provide you with an overview of financial market results from the past 12 months, and to offer insights into some of the investment themes that may influence your investment portfolio over the coming year. Several inquiries have come in concerning the current valuations of markets, where we… Read More