The Smof Investment Blog

2020 has forced us to quickly adapt to a changing business environment, and we have learned a lot about the convenience of e-solutions. As a refresher, we want to let you know what e-solutions are available to you: You can login online to Fundex Wealthview and view your account balance, individual holdings, investment performance, quarterly… Read More

This is yet another reminder that the interest-free payment deadline for your 2019 individual income tax returns and 2020 March/June/September instalments is Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Penalties and interest will not be charged if returns are filed and payments are made by this date. This includes the late-filing penalty. Source:

There continue to be many important updates regarding financial aid and CRA tax deferrals. Below is a quick summary of the recent news: Tax payment deadline: Two weeks ago, the payment deadline was re-extended by one month from September 1st to September 30th for those who either have a balance owing on their 2019 tax return,… Read More